Monday, June 28, 2010
Midnight Freaka
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
“They gave me two options, either going to school or getting this money…”

Many young American males are troubled with making the decision of staying in school or hustling. The appeal of the green is so attractive that many run to the streets to help their families out or just become more successful. There are others that stay in school to obtain an education and receive the rewards of studying later in life. But, are any of these options wrong.
Discarding reality you can turn to movies and see that street hustlers are protrude as criminals that are ignorant individuals that lost their way in life. In actually they are individuals that choose to live a fast life and get money first and left the books to the others (suckers). However, if we look deeper we will see individuals that lived in low income single parent households that choose to help their mothers out and ease the tension of the family. Also, you will see that these individuals are all smart in their own way. Many of them hustle for many years before getting caught by the authorities and have a large amount of cash to account for. This game does not produce wealth builders but spenders that have poor money management skills. Many of our “Black Leaders” call the street hustlers a disgrace to their race and scum that pollute their neighborhoods with toxicants. I view them as regular individuals that decided to do whatever it took to get them into a better living situation, although many don’t survive the game, so is life.
Tom went to college and became a successful lawyer. He was respected in his community as a young man that stayed in school and inspired other youths to complete school. Although Tom will not earn an actual income until he is 26, his goals keep him motivated to become the man he wanted to be. He was never driven by money, yet he was driven by a deep passion. He knows that many college graduates leave school with high student loans and a low paying salary. However, he knows that sacrificing in the beginning leads to fruitful returns in the end.
The difference between the hustler and Tom is that the hustler is totally driven by money. However, Tom foresees something greater in life and is willing to sacrifice years of money drought to obtain it. Now confusion sets in because doesn’t the hustler sacrifice his life to gain a better life for his family?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
“Wait, I’m not ready yet!”

Love is something hard to find and hard to keep. We are people sometimes get involved with individuals that we never see ourselves with. The women or men that are not really attractive but have some type of quality that we fall head over heals for. Then they are the one’s that physically appeal to us but “they don’t have a bucket to piss in or a window to throw it out.” So what happens if you find that perfect one? The person that you are physically and mentally attracted too. Also, their presents excites you and makes you long to be with them every waking moment of the day. But, you are not ready to start a relationship with them.
It is time to give up on your goals and aspirations to start building a strong foundation for your love. Time to stop playing the field and start living true to who you are and became to become a faithful and commented partner. Some might quote pastors and say that you have to stop making those silly excuses and start living the life you were made for because this is a “BLESSING.” While others might say that he/she is your perfect mate and that you have to do this to keep yourself happy.
On the other hand my thoughts about starting a relationship is totally different. The understanding between two parties on timing is critical and either can lead to the growth of a fruitful and promising relationship or to the death of two individuals. One can say that he is missing his blessing and never be able to find a girl/guy like the one who he is with. However, rushing someone into relationship status is undesirable and will lead to a relationship built on a rush process that contains no love. Barriers could be broken and trust could be held. Two individuals stuck in a relationship that killed the single word that brought them together, “LOVE.”
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
“GAME recognize GAME Grandad, and you looking unfamiliar.” – Riley (Boondocks Season 1)

What really is GAME??? Ladies seem to get swept off their feet by certain guys that do not necessary look good (NO HOMO), but have a certain type of conversation skill that win their hearts over. So, can you gain a degree in gamiology like a MBA? How can one learn to be smooth to the ladies and not get turned down for a date?
Again I ask can one learn game or is it just inherited? It’s experiment time!